Diocese of San Angelo's Bishop Sis, a member of the USCCB Committee on Evangelization & Catechesis, was interviewed by Fr. Mitch Pacwa, SJ on EWTN, October 18, 2023. The interview begins at minute 6:06.
This year's annual events begin with a float in the Rodeo Parade on Saturday, April 6 at 10 am followed by talks and fellowship at the Sacred Heart Cathedral Gym at 1 pm. Bishop Michael Sis will celebrate the 4 pm Mass in honor of Venerable Sor Maria de Jesus de Agreda. At 5 pm, a procession to the Lady in Blue Park for rosary and smudging.
A week of national events in honor of the Knights of Columbus founder and patron completes locally on the 151st anniversary of his birth with the August 13, 6 pm Mass celebrated by the Bishop of San Angelo, Most Rev.Michael J. Sis, who is also the Texas State Chaplain of the Knights of Columbus
In addition to the 12:10 pm Mass, there is a 6:30 pm Mass for this Holy Day of Obligation. "Who is she that cometh forth as the morning rising, fair as the moon, bright as the sun, terrible as an army set in array?" -- Sg of Sol 6:9